Completed projects | |||||
Crt. no. | Project title | Project site | Responsible | Duration | |
1 | Functional significance of forest biodiversity FunDivEUROPE | | Ph.D. engineer Olivier BOURIAUD | january 2011 – october 2014 | |
2 | FORest management strategies to enhance the MITigation potential of European forest FORMIT | | Univ. lec. qual. dr. eng. Marian DRAGOI | october 2012 – september 2016 | |
3 | STAR TREE-Multipurpose trees and nonmood forest products a challenge and opportunity | | Assoc. prof. eng. Laura BOURIAUD | november 2012 –october 2015 | |
4 | NUBOMEDIA: an elastic platform as a service (PaS) cloud for interactive social multimedia | | Univ. prof. dr. eng. Constantin FILOTE | february 2014 – november 2016 | |
5 | Sustainable innovative mobilisation of wood – FP7 Simwood | – | Assoc. prof. eng. Laura BOURIAUD | january 2011 – october 2014 |