Regulation for the Organization and Functioning of the PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS MANAGEMENT OFFICE
Chapter I. Generalities
Art.1.1 In order to increase the performance in the research activity and to improve the access framework to the national and international financing sources, the Program Management Department is established. The Program Management Department is organized and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Education Law no. 84/1995 republished in 1999, of GEO 75/2005, of the Charter of the “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava and of the decisions of the Senate of the “Ştefan cel Mare” University.
Art.1.2 The Program Management Department is abbreviated by DMP.
Art.1.3 The Program Management Department is a multi-interdisciplinary research and consultancy management department that carries out its activity according to the operating regulations.
Chapter II. Vision. Mission. objectives
Art.2.1 The departmental vision results from the policy strategy established at the Lisbon European Council in 2000, from the efforts of gradual alignment with the recent orientations of EU policy, dictated by the need to increase the capacity and competitiveness of the CD system presented in the National Development Plan 2007-2013 .
Art.2.2 The mission of the department is the general stimulation of the research-development-innovation activities carried out within the institution through a series of steps meant to promote, support and develop the institutional capacity to access the funded programs in education and research.
Art.2.3 The objectives of the Program Management Department are:
Increasing the visibility of the “Ştefan cel Mare” University within the scientific research in Romania and implicitly in the European Research Area; Training and development of human resources involved in research; Ensuring the inter and multi-disciplinary character of research, innovation in the field of research, technological development and knowledge transfer, in the context of the Knowledge-Based Society and the European Research Area; Harmonization of the institution’s performance indicators for internal quality self-assessment with those existing at national level and issuance of documents submitted to MEdCT and ARACIS in close collaboration with the Quality Assurance Directorate
Art.2.4 The Program Management Department – DMP coordinates the following types of activities:
Promotion and management of publications, publishing of newsletters, manuals, papers, prospectuses; Support for open and distance learning through Internet systems, e-mail, etc. Promoting the advertising action regarding the educational and scientific research programs, in order to attract students, to receive job offers for graduates as well as to attract sponsorship funds; Promoting and supporting scientific and didactic actions carried out by governmental and non-governmental organizations.
Art.2.5 The activity of the Program Management Department – DMP is financially supported by a complex contribution, as follows:
Tuition fees; From scientific research and design contracts; From the revenues resulting from the consultancy, expertise and technical assistance works; Participation fees for the scientific events they organize; Publishing of scientific publications; Through partnerships with third parties; Sponsorships, donations, grants, concessions; Other incomes
Chapter III. Organization. Structure.
Art.3.1 The Program Management Department is under the direct coordination of the Rector of the “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava. The department is headed by a Department Director. The department includes program coordinators according to the types of projects launched in education and research-development-innovation, in a certain period of time. These coordinators can be found in the organizational chart of the department, an integral part of this regulation. The organization chart is updated periodically, depending on the types of programs existing at a given time. The department has an assistant, permanently employed. The Department Director together with the Program Coordinators form the Management Committee with the following attributions:
Facilitates access to funded programs in education, research, development, innovation. Provides assistance in developing funding applications and establishing partnerships. Formulates and monitors the development of the Activity Plan on different programs; Approves the department’s periodic reports;
Art.3.2 The management of the department has the following attributions:
The department director elaborates marketing activities, elaborates and proposes the scientific, technical and economic strategy of the Department and is responsible for all the activities of the Department before the law enforcement bodies; The program coordinators establish, in agreement with the contract managers, the directions for approaching the topics, organize the research, design, execution, approval activity and keep records during their development.
Art.3.3 The following categories of persons may be employed in the positions provided in the List of functions of the Department:
Teachers from the “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava or from other universities in the country and abroad; Scientific researchers, experts, consultants and evaluators from the “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, from other universities in the country and abroad or from various commercial companies and legally constituted organizations; Financial, accounting, technical and administrative staff from the “Ştefan cel Mare” University or from other commercial companies and legally constituted organizations; PhD students and students from the “Ştefan cel Mare” University or from other universities in the country and abroad; Retirees and other categories of individuals with legal employment rights.
Art.3.4 The operative management of the Program Management Department – DMP is ensured by the Director of the Department.
Art.3.5 The Program Management Department – DMP is subordinated to the Rector; has connections with faculties, colleges, research centers, departments; collaborates with the Didactic Vice-Rectorate, the Scientific Vice-Rectorate, the Quality Assurance Directorate, the Informatics Department, the Financial – Accounting Service, the Legal Office, the International Relations Department.
Chapter IV. Activities.
Art.4.1 Creating a website of the Program Management Department
Transfer and dissemination of knowledge on Project Management and project-based financing schemes, creation of the DMP department WEB page, elaboration of related documentation (best practice guide on projects, references and documentation from the country and abroad, etc.). Integration in national and international networks with common mission and specific objectives.
Art.4.2 Formation and development of the information base
Formation and development of a database on projects completed in the last 5 years; Formation and development of an information and documentation base for different types of projects; Formation and development of a database on possible partners by thematic areas.
Art.4.3 Consultancy and support in the project submission stage
Carrying out training courses at different levels, university and postgraduate, in the field of project management. Early announcement of deadlines for submission of proposals; Mobilization for training of all faculties that have activity in the field of call for proposals; Training 1-2 months before the submission deadline; Consultancy in the proposal elaboration phase; Solving problems that require answers at national / international level; Elaboration of documents (university presentation, etc.), necessary for different types of projects. The submission of any project proposal of a university teacher will be made with the visa of the project department. The coordinator of the respective type of projects and the head of the department analyze the special cases, then submit an informative note to the Rector, before signing the contracts.
Art4.4 Consultancy in carrying out projects
Support in the elaboration of the Interim Reports and the Final Reports; they are addressed to the Program Management Department and are presented for signature to the Rector, accompanied by an information note; For co-financed projects, support and advice will be provided in identifying eligible ways of co-financing as well as in carrying out co-financing; Elaboration of a unitary set of documents justifying the expenses, on budgetary chapters (by type of project); Support in disseminating project results (conferences, workshops, development of teaching and scientific materials, liaison with the media); Formation of a body of external evaluators, approved by MECT.
Art.4.5 Consultancy in the development of projects: Initiation and integration in thematic European networks and projects in the field of RDI and development of education in accordance with the requirements of the Bologna-Berlin Process.
Chapter V – Final provisions
Art. 5.1 – The present regulation will be revised when the situation requires it and will be submitted for approval to the Senate of the “Ştefan cel Mare” University of Suceava.